Thursday, December 15, 2011
And he who walks in darkness shall be silenced ...
For the one who walks in darkness
and tells a lie , spoke to me and said ,
" but it has been said , there can be no god that exist only of himself ,
for in what expanse would he exist ? there would surely be more ... "
And my spirit spoke ,
" Can you tell me of another ? "
And he was silent ...
and again the one who walks in darkness
and tells a lie , spoke to me ,
" There are many gods in this world ,
surely this son is not the only one ? "
And my spirit spoke ,
" Can you tell me of another ? "
And he was silent ...
then in worship to Him who has taken away the sins of this world ,
Who's Name is Holy , Jesus ...
I saw in the Spirit a clear golden floor
and that my feet where set in heavenly places ,
above he who accuses the Righteous of God ...
Therefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the eretz/earth and to the sea, because the devil has gone down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time."
Rev. 12:12
and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus/Messiah Yeshua, Eph. 2:6
(with Hebrew names)
We who are washed by His/Christ Blood are seated in 'Heavenly Places'...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
100 Men who fear and desire the Presence of God
“Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergyman or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.” —from a letter in the Works of John Wesley
[ So Gideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the outskirts
of the camp ( of the enemy ) at the beginning of the middle watch,
- Judges 7 : 19 ]( of which there where a total of 300 )
During the Moravian revival:
In January, 1728, the brethren held their first missionary meeting. ‘This meeting was celebrated by meditations on different portions of Holy Scripture, and fervent prayers; in the midst of which the church experienced a remarkable enjoyment of the presence of the Spirit.’ In the next 25 years they sent out 100 radical missionaries from that small community, a figure that rose to 300 in 65 year
Nathan Morris said close to the same thing March 19th , 2011
in Mobile , Alabama,while preaching the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival ...
" Lord , What if you gave me 100 evangelist
And in one night , You ( Lord ) could turn this country ?
You see , when you're filled with the Fire of God ,
You think like that ...
The Revival , or should I say Reformation has begun ...
( 2 Timothy 3 : 5 , 1 Corinthians 2 : 4 )
Friday, September 23, 2011
' Thankful Highway '

You Saved me from the road grown dark
You saved me from a bitter heart
you saved me from a bitter heart
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
Oh , But for the Blood of Christ
I'd walk the weary street at night
I'd walk the weary street at night
Yet His Fire will light my way
and on His path my feet will stay
and on His path my feet will stay
I gave a man a ride last night,
he smelled of three days whiskey
but I spoke with him as if he had no sin
while Revival worship music played
trusting the Holy Ghost could speak better than me
you see , that could have been me
but for the Blood of Christ
For I have a Home ,
and now a thankful heart ...
The Holy Ghost is never done ... with any of us ...
Friday, May 20, 2011
Do you know how valuable you are ?
Do you know how valuable you are ???
As I sat in my car at church Wednesday evening ,
having arrived early , The Lord spoke to me ,
" Look around you , everything you see has a price .
Man buys an item one day for a price
and the next day that item is worth less ...
Man buys some property for a price
and the next day that property is worth more ...
The price changes because
the things you see are temporary , they are temporal .
But your value has never changed ,
I paid a Great Price for you ,
For I bought you with My Own Blood ,
That Price has never changed .
For you are eternal ...
And Precious in My Sight ...
You are more valuable than you will ever know ...
Never forget that ...
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival
and I finally arrived outside the Mobile , Alabama Civic Center .
We wandered inside the Expo Hall hoping and praying the night
would be at least half what we had witnessed from a far off .
The next two nights would by far exceed our expectations .
The Power of the Holy Spirit ,The Love of the Church of His Presence ,
the Faithfulness of Nathan and Mathew , the worship lead by Lydia and
the worship team , and Pastor Kilpatrick
( a man who said YES to the Presence of A Holy God ) , we thank you
and I believe God thanks you .
And to anyone who reads this I would say ,
" Go to Alabama , the Gift of the Holy Ghost is more precious than
silver and gold , and the Holy Ghost is moving in power
in the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival .
Or go , Yes , Go to the Bay Revival
where ever the itinerary maybe ...
The following is a worship song , I will exalt ,
Just the words are blessing and praise ...
Your Presence is all I need
It’s all I want, all I seek
Without it, without it there’s no meaning
Your Presence is the air I breathe
the song I sing, the love I need
Without it, without it I’m not living I will exalt You, Lord, I will exalt You, Lord There is no one like You God I will exalt You, Lord, I will exalt You, Lord No other name be lifted high There will be no one like You
And no one beside You
You alone are worthy of all praise( Bethel Music )
May the Blessings of the Holy Spirit be On , In , and Through you , Robin
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
' Grave '
strange Yeats robbed the second Coming,
challenged Howl Ginsberg raped,
stone steps repugnant stench of Dante',
blood dried feather of Poe,
rage against light that can die.
Howl , " Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani ? ",
indignant of fury or Love,
sin fills the casket gold,
lay sword upon shoulder,
of funeral in the wind.
no breathe fall spirit false,
beat verse waving tapestry,
decay draped abandoned estate,
chime toll the corpse,
brown edged paper and ink.
turn , Turn season dark,
hand reaches to knock,
Life spilled on rocky shelf,
Book of Word and Truth,
dirt and spittle open eyes to See.
: To the poets and troubadours
who penned darkness as they stole
from the Word of God.
Yet , they would deny His very existence.
Photo : Jim Morrison's Grave
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
' I Learn'd tha lyrics a' blues on tha streets ya see '
But ya gots ta know
how this writ'n' thang goes,
it be's 'bout storytellin'
from beginnin' ta en'.
A man onced tells me
I's gots ta be's rich
ta be's a poet,
but I's gots that itch.
so I's scribble down
ev'ry tittle I find,
'cause another man tolds me
it's like a photo defined.
so here I goes
tryin ta tell ya this,
I likes writin' them words
That others did miss.
I writes 'cause ya see's,
it be's that thang ta do.
you knows I means well ,
bein' I ain't a hundred an' two.
I's jus' gets bored sometimes ,
an' start jottin' stuff down.
Then it all comes back to me,
I's 'spose ta be a clown.
Nah na , that can't be right,
I's been sittin' here all night.
I's got this pencil 'n papers ya see,
"Without Jesus, ain't much be's in me .
so if's ya gets
all ser'ous an' stuff,
jus' gets real
an' leaves tha fluff.
Sometimes a work in character voice produces
lines from the heart , Robin .
art : painting of Charlie Christian
( Who was an electric guitar genius over 20 years
before Jimi Hendrix)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Through Human Eyes
May I tell you a story ?
Years ago , living in a city neighborhood that was more like a small town ,
My wife worked for a local store .
Everyone knew each other or at least if you where local or not .
You knew the Catholics , the Methodists , the restaurant staffs , the doctors ,
the non-denominational , whatever ... You just kind of knew people and talked with them .
Well , Father Ben , from the Catholic Church was a very respected and godly man
in the community . He loved people . He would pray for you or with you .
You knew he cared .
One day , after saying hello to Father Ben on the way into the store , My wife stopped me .
She leaned over and said , " He's a sweet man , but I think he has a drinking problem ."
" What ? " as I was a bit confused .
" Yes , It's always late but he's always in here for a certain bottle of wine ."
And I probably said something stupid like , " Well , you know how Catholics are ."
A week or so went by . Then one evening , My wife came through the door .
" I feel so stupid , I am just the idiot ."
"What , what are you talking about ? " , I mean when your wife is calling herself stupid ,
you just have to know .
Father Ben came by the store tonight . He stopped and talked for a while .
He asked how we were doing and if he could pray for anything . Then he told me why he was there .
Why he comes in for wine at night . Robin , he gives 'Last Rites' for the dioceses .
All those bottles of wine were for dieing people and that sweet man stays with them as long as he can .
I tell this true narrative to say this , Yes , for many people Alcohol is very dangerous .
I am a transformed by God addict myself .
I know you can hit the concordances yourself so :
We are kings and priests before Christ . Old Testament or New ,
kings and priests are not advised to drink .
And yes , wine is a mocker , Strong drink a raging .
I hope I am connecting the dots here .
But the real point is ,
" Love ye one another , as I have loved you , so love ye one another . "
Jesus Christ
And love covers a multitude of sin ,
love will heal the addict , the alcoholic and many others .
One of the things I have seen in evangelism is ,
if you focus on the sin to long , you get side tracked .
Focus on the One who saves the sinner and
watch God move .
Sincerely in Christ , Robin
Years ago , living in a city neighborhood that was more like a small town ,
My wife worked for a local store .
Everyone knew each other or at least if you where local or not .
You knew the Catholics , the Methodists , the restaurant staffs , the doctors ,
the non-denominational , whatever ... You just kind of knew people and talked with them .
Well , Father Ben , from the Catholic Church was a very respected and godly man
in the community . He loved people . He would pray for you or with you .
You knew he cared .
One day , after saying hello to Father Ben on the way into the store , My wife stopped me .
She leaned over and said , " He's a sweet man , but I think he has a drinking problem ."
" What ? " as I was a bit confused .
" Yes , It's always late but he's always in here for a certain bottle of wine ."
And I probably said something stupid like , " Well , you know how Catholics are ."
A week or so went by . Then one evening , My wife came through the door .
" I feel so stupid , I am just the idiot ."
"What , what are you talking about ? " , I mean when your wife is calling herself stupid ,
you just have to know .
Father Ben came by the store tonight . He stopped and talked for a while .
He asked how we were doing and if he could pray for anything . Then he told me why he was there .
Why he comes in for wine at night . Robin , he gives 'Last Rites' for the dioceses .
All those bottles of wine were for dieing people and that sweet man stays with them as long as he can .
I tell this true narrative to say this , Yes , for many people Alcohol is very dangerous .
I am a transformed by God addict myself .
I know you can hit the concordances yourself so :
We are kings and priests before Christ . Old Testament or New ,
kings and priests are not advised to drink .
And yes , wine is a mocker , Strong drink a raging .
I hope I am connecting the dots here .
But the real point is ,
" Love ye one another , as I have loved you , so love ye one another . "
Jesus Christ
And love covers a multitude of sin ,
love will heal the addict , the alcoholic and many others .
One of the things I have seen in evangelism is ,
if you focus on the sin to long , you get side tracked .
Focus on the One who saves the sinner and
watch God move .
Sincerely in Christ , Robin
" Therefore every scribe ( writer )who has become a Disciple of the Kingdom of Heaven is like a head of a household, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old ", Jesus Christ Matthew 13:52
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Rivers of This New Decade
All the gifts are no longer
Under the lights of the Christmas tree
The resonance of Highland songs
Reverb I have never heard before
Will this new decade be
The parting of the Red Sea
Or the Jordan River
Shall this Time prove
The Stones of Stephen
Or Day of Pentecost Outpouring
And the Hope of the Voice within me
Softly request to seek the Presence
Of the Lord of Host
The Ear of the Ancient of Days
One desire I seek to have
To follow the feet of this Risen Savior
Though I be weak by nature
A heart burns to touch the Hem of His Garment
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